As a child grows up, sometimes the directions are not always given as simple commands. Often the directives change to suggestions or advice based on life experience. The father wants to allow his child to make his own decision. Input is given for the child's consideration.
A wise child will consider what his father says - even if the advice is given in terms of a suggestion rather than a command. My father rarely gives direct commands. My siblings and I often get advice or suggestions, but it seems that all involved in the conversations understand that in the end, we (as the children) are responsible for our own decisions. I enjoy getting my father's advice, but sometimes I don't exactly follow it.
Other times, I like to follow it word for word. Especially when the advice is somewhat unusual as in this case. . .
When I begin talking about marrying John, my family wanted to know what my plans were once I moved to Ohio. Well, my plans are to look for another job and to work somewhere hopefully as an engineer not too far from where John works. Once I find a job, we plan to find another place to live since John's current apartment doesn't have a guest room.
Now my dad retired last year and has really enjoyed having the time to work on the many projects he has going on. He is of the opinion that I should simply take a break from working. So his fatherly advice (often stated) was that I should "sit around and eat grapes."
As this advice was so often given, I have been very careful to follow it in the week and a half that I've been in Ohio. I have made sure to sit down every single day and have eaten grapes several times a week! John wanted to make sure that we showed how carefully we were following dad's advice, so we took a picture!