Back on January 1st (when we visited Alabama), we spent the day with one set of friends and then headed over to see our friends,
the Pace family that evening.
We enjoyed a game of crazy way
skip-bo. The rules of which are crazy indeed. My sister and I made it up way back when I was 10 or 12. Being able to exchange skip-bos, pick the number that matches your pile and discard all your cards each turn makes the game a lot of fun.

She's not sure if she should show off her octopus. . .

While her brother is glad to do so!

After the younger children went upstairs, us "older kids" had a wonderful dinner together. We enjoyed ourselves with some great conversation.

I have been so blessed to have a great friendship with this family over the years. They were so gracious to share their anniversary evening with us. We had a wonderful time together!

(This picture is just for fun - I guess you can tell which ones are the engineers who aren't any good at looking at the camera before we're told to smile!)
Our first Christmas and New Years together as a married couple was spent with many friends and family members. We definitely had a great time with everyone we had a chance to see!
You're invited over for as many anniversaries as you want. Glad to share date night with you and John!
Girl, I am glad your camping buddies are tough, cuz I sure am not! So sorry, alas, I wont be caming again this year...even though your Mom graciously tried to get me to...reminded me of you! Mama, my G'ma, the girls, and I are going to San Antonio for spring break...camping in a high rise hotel near the "River"walk. Now that's my kind of camping! Love you girl! Have fun...hate to miss you again! Natalie
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