So far I can only complain of typical pregnancy aches, waking up a lot at night, odd dreams, some harder breathing, and a little feet swelling when I don't rest. So, it's been what I would guess is a good pregnancy. We're praying all will continue as normal and that the birth will be without complication.
Not too much longer now - 3 weeks if he or she shows up "on time." But, we're also trying to prepare for the definitely possibility that the baby can't read a calender and maybe would like to stay inside for a little while past our due date! I'm sure by the time that date comes around, we'll be very eager to see our little one!
Glad you're doing well! You look great, and I'm excited as well for when the time comes to meet my new niece or nephew!
Cool pictures! Thanks for sharing. :)
Love you! - Elijah
How exciting! It won't be too much longer and then you'll look back and think how quickly the time went! We're looking forward to seeing you and John next week. The kids are counting down the days!
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