I've been up here in Ohio for over a month and am just over a week away from driving back down to Alabama. Then John will fly down here a week later and just a couple days later we'll be married! I can't wait!

I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps. Jeremiah 10:23 You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19b-20
Writing a thank-you note can be even more emotionally draining for me than saying goodbye. That is one of my excuses for taking six weeks to write thank you notes for my showers, but procrastination plays a big role as well. Amazingly enough, I am finished! I've been writing these thank you notes on and off for several weeks now. Finally, after focusing on them totally for more than four hours yesterday, they are done and in the mailbox! I guess it's funny that I waited until they were all done to mail any of them, but somehow I didn't want to mail any of them unless I mailed them all. So, that means that some of you will get thank-you notes dated several weeks ago.
Just know that as I wrote your thank you note, my brain thought through many of the precious memories I've shared with you and how awesome each one of you has been in my life. I certainly don't deserve the wonderful friendships I've had in Alabama. I could never have imagined that I would even know fifty people, much less that so many would become such dear friends. I have enjoyed thinking back through all the memories with these people and loved to finally take the time to write a special thank you for each one.
Most of the thank you notes were for friends from work or church or camping circles, but some of the thank-you notes went to several of John's friends who mailed gifts to us. We have had a lot of fun receiving so many awesome things in the mail that are perfect for our home.
Now that I've finished the thank you notes, my next task will be to start going through pictures - both for Peru stuff and for myself!