It's now time for this fun news to go public! I finally told my office the news today, so it's time for the "blog world" to know. John and I are expecting our first child in early February! Our "official" due date is February 4th, but we'll just have to wait and see when our little one decides to be born. We're not intending to find out our baby's gender, so are just going to have to wait and see.

We're now at 21 weeks, so more than half of this pregnancy has already passed. It's been a lot of fun to feel our active baby move in the last few weeks. Sometimes I'm convinced that this baby is doing flips inside of me! Pregnancy has not been too terrible, but it actually has been harder than I imagined. I feel as though I slept through this summer. I was so tired during the first trimester, that I did little but work and sleep each day. Somewhat regular (mostly evening) vomiting and a uncomfortable stomach also kept us from enjoying food during that time. Thankfully, I now feel much more like myself and have been able to keep food down without problems.
We started a Bradley class nearby a couple weeks ago, and are enjoying learning more about what is to come. With the required tracking of my diet to ensure adequate amounts of protein, I'm eating more and gaining steady weight. We hope to give this baby plenty of nutritution during this time!

It's quite odd to now have such a big belly. I know that what I have is nothing yet, but even so, it's really strange to see it prodruding from my body! I just started wearing maternity clothes and have found them so comfortable. It doesn't look too big yet under my shirt, but it feels big! My friend Barb and my sister-in-law Michele gave and let me borrow a huge amount of clothes! I think I have more options to wear during my pregnancy than I do when I'm not pregnant! What a blessing they have been!

So, now those of you who didn't know thru some other means have a good idea of part of my reasons for not blogging much in the last months!
Did someone guess or did you announce?:) Yes, you look a little pregnant now:)
It's nice to have so many choices to wear. At the end of my pregnancy with James I have 2 outfits left that fit and it was so discouraging sometimes!
I really enjoyed seeing both of you Labor Day weekend:)
Your sister,
Both - I told my boss (who acted surprised), and then told the other guys I work with. Two admitted they had already guessed (as I thought due to some of their questions/comments in the past). It was definitely time since I'm switching to maternity pants and since I have an appointment with the midwife on wednesday and have to take another morning off of work.
It is indeed nice to have so many choices of clothes. Now I need to buy more hangers and get the clothes put away - I'm so thankful for my big closet!
I enjoyed seeing you all over labor day as well! Thanks for going down to the parents and participating in our surprise!
Yay! So happy for you. Bummer on not feeling well - hang in there, your kiddo is totally worth it! Love from Nebraska!
YAY! Wow! I'm so exited. I was thinking since you've been married a year now it's about time to extend your family! Congratulations. <><
Thats cool you are not finding out what the baby will be. I remember when we were younger when a baby was born, it was like"What'd they have? Whats its name?" Now 'everyone' is telling the name and gender. I mean it doesn't matter, I just think it'd be more fun to wait and see!!! Best wishes, glad its public news now!!! Excite for you!!
I really enjoyed this post and seeing the pictures of your growing belly. How nice that you didn't have to buy a lot of maternity clothes.
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