There's no activity in which I see the way "me" and the "other me" are in coflict as I do when I run. I know that the "other me" hates running. It argues that all running does is to make me tired for no real gain. It reminds me that running can make me sore and might give me a headache. It tells me that there are other things that are much more fun that I could be doing with my time such as sleeping, reading, eating, or even more spiritual things such as reading the bible, praying, or serving others. Since I know how persuasive the other me can be, I always make sure to allow me to make firm goals before I begin a run.

Somehow my interal alam clock will go off at 9 o'clock and so I then may be alert enough to decide that I will indeed run and will make my way out of bed and get ready to run. You would think the battle is over. I am finally outside and beginning to run. The weather is perfect, I'm rested so all is well, right?
Not in your wildest dreams! Especialy if it's been a couple weeks since you were in the running routine. Immediatly that other me will remind you that it's much easier to breath if you walk every now and then. Your legs will chime in with that other me and tell you that they are not used to so much work and may stage a strike. You tell them all that it's me who is in charge and they must fall into line. Me reminds them that the request that they run is not unreasonable - they've done it before and can obviously do it again. Me reminds them that they've had a nice break so should be happy about that and since they are so rested they ought to run better than ever. Me reminds them of all the benefits of running: feeling better, gaining a sense of accomplishment, sleeping well, being able to run hard when playing sports and more.

When the other me wins little battles, it get's stronger and harder to fight off the next time. Me knows this and will argue back until it either wins or gets tired. Sometimes me gives up and lets the other me be in control and simply decides that tomorrow is another day.

Pastor Phil preached this morning on Jesus and the Cross in 2008. He reminded us that it's only through Jesus that we have the power to accomplish things like new years resolutions. A focus on Jesus and the cross will give us courage for the coming year. It's only through his death that we have freedom from ourselves, from the world, statan, death and sin. We can in our will make a choice, but we can only cary it out through His Spirit. We can make the choice to live through Him.
I must admit that though I do belive that God gives us the power to live through his sprit, I feel that developing willpower to run when you don't want to seems to be something that a Christian doesn't do any better than a non-Christian. Does trusting in the power of Christ really make you better able to force yourself to run harder or faster? I don't know. I guess I've not thought of running in a spiritual sense at all. Is it always the sin nature that desires to do the easy thing? I guess that will be one more thing to ponder the next time I run.
I'm right there with ya sister! To God be the glory when we succeed and Who we run to when we don't!
love ya,
Gasp, Miriam! I never know there was the "other me". In college, you were always studying and doing everything right. I always felt bad for being your "other me".
I can definitely relate! Mostly it's fighting without myself about wanting to get up on cold mornings...
I want you to know that I don't consider you to be the "other me" at all. Without you in classes with me, I don't think I would have made it at all. I would have changed my major to who knows what-maybe sewing!. You made college a fun and enjoyable experience. I am so glad that we got to become friends in college! It made it all worthwhile.
My opinion on all that studying is that I just have a greater capacity for boredom than many.
There are some crazy things that I consider to be huge achievements. Like this morning - I sent a fax and it went through the first time. What's more, that makes it two times in a row that I didn't mis-type the fax number the first time I sent a fax!
It was so good to see you after Christmas! We'll have to talk sometime soon.
Indeed - to God be the glory - he is both our comfort and the source of our strength. I must remind myself again and again that it's only through him that we can do anything and that he doesn't expect perfection from us. He made us human with failures and so for us to expect perfection in this life for ourselves is to require more from us than he does. This is something I have been learning especially in the last year.
Yes, cold mornings are hard. Especially when the inside temperature is cold (as it is there!).
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