So, that was our week of Christmas! It was definitely a bit of a whirlwind week. My family had to leave early on Sunday and we spent a lot of time Sunday and Monday sleeping and relaxing. Now, John is back to work and we're enjoying spending a few more days with his family before they have to go back home.
I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps. Jeremiah 10:23 You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19b-20
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Busy Christmas Week!
So, that was our week of Christmas! It was definitely a bit of a whirlwind week. My family had to leave early on Sunday and we spent a lot of time Sunday and Monday sleeping and relaxing. Now, John is back to work and we're enjoying spending a few more days with his family before they have to go back home.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Pregnancy Update!

All is going well right now with me and the baby. As you can see, this baby must have been doing a lot of growing in the last month or so! I'm suddenly to the point where random strangers in stores are asking me when my baby is due :)
I'm officially in my third trimester already. It's really amazing to think that in 12 weeks, we could be holding our own baby in our hands. What a change that will be! Right now our baby is making him/herself known through plenty of kicking, flipping and punching, but soon we'll be hearing, smelling and seeing our baby!
In life news, I will officially be changing my job from full time design engineer to full time home engineer :) December 11th is my last day at work. I'm looking forward to having time to prepare our home and life for a baby. So far, we really haven't done a lot to get ready. I'll also be getting ready for having my family visit for Christmas. We didn't want to travel this year and are so excited that my family is going to be able to come to see us!
John and I have also had some fun in the last month looking at houses. We're renting right now, but are keeping our eyes open for a good house to buy at some point. It's been fun to see some houses and start to mentally clarify what's most important to us about such a huge purchase.
Life and time are quickly passing. Can you believe it's almost Thanksgiving? We're going to visit John's family over Thanksgiving and just can't wait!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Binder Clip Suspenders
Friday, September 25, 2009
Big Blog News!

We started a Bradley class nearby a couple weeks ago, and are enjoying learning more about what is to come. With the required tracking of my diet to ensure adequate amounts of protein, I'm eating more and gaining steady weight. We hope to give this baby plenty of nutritution during this time!

Sunday, September 6, 2009
One Year Ago Today. . .
One year ago today, John and I exchanged wedding vows in Alabama. To celebrate that wonderful event, we decided to come back to Alabama to visit. Last year, I drove to Alabama a week early and then John flew in a couple days before our wedding. This year, we cooked up a fun surprise. We drove down together, but didn't tell anyone in town that we were coming. What fun we had in surprising everyone and seeing family and friends again!
This year has been so very good. Some of the reading we did before marriage warned of how difficult the first year can be. It almost made me afraid to marry - but not quite! But this year has been good in so many ways. Having John as my husband this past year has been wonderful! To come home from work and have a constant friend to eat with and spend time with each evening is great. Having shared goals, struggles and joys is wonderful. John has been very kind, loving, sensitive and supportive to me. He is way more than I could ever have imagined or deserved. I'm so thankful that God brought us together!
We've done a lot of traveling this past year. Visiting Washington, British Columbia, Illinois, Alabama, Kansas, South Carolina, Florida and Pennsylvania has kept us busy and more in touch with friends and family than I imagined would be possible. Spending weekends at home relaxing or getting to know friends we've made here has been fun as well. We look forward to the many changes that God will bring us in the next year of marriage!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Baby Faces
This last weekend my wife and I spent the weekend with her brother's family. Their youngest child, less than a month of completing the first year of life, is quite an attraction. I enjoyed the first real opportunity to use my new Canon 40d to photograph a stunning subject other than my wife :)
So, here are a few pics below. They were taken in a very short period of time. Enjoy....
The mind of a one-year old in pictures.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Fun Date with John!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
What Makes us Tick?
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Trip to South Carolina - Part 1
Below, Miriam and Josh. Miriam's energy and enthusiam for children certainly wins over kids like Josh.