taking the time to make this a very special and fun time. I had a blast. I'm also thankful for her family for making this a wonderful time! Thanks also go to many who helped with the food and other countless details.
I was amazed at the number of people who took the time to make this a very special occasion. Friends from work, church and our camping group showed up in numbers that I didn't expect. I have been bountifully blessed with so many friends!
The ladies also made a special gift for John. Many filled out notecards filled with information on "How to take care of Miriam." These were put into a book for John's current and future reference. We both enjoyed reading all the suggestions which ranged from the humorous (like "don't buy half the fat stuff" from Jubilee or "Let Miriam run the mouse" from Rob) to the more serious.
I don't have time right now to write more about all the wonderful gifts that we received. They will be perfect for us as we set up for our new life together. I will be very prepared to make some great meals for John! Since a picture is worth innumerable words, enjoy the pictures!
That looks like such a fun shower. Congratulations!
Wow! It looks like your shower had an amazing turn out, and it looks like you had a wonderful time. I loved your cake, very pretty in purple. (: Best Wishes to you both.
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