I have always enjoyed my trips to Ohio, and am looking forward even more to being there soon. I have only about a month of work here, a trip to Peru and then I plan to move up to Ohio on July 19th or 20th. Time is going quickly!
Yesterday with the help of my awesome neighbors, I was able to pack and move the rest of my stuff to my parents house. It's nice to have that task done. Now, I just have to go through it and get rid of the items I haven't used in the last couple years. I feel as though I have way too much stuff!
We're right there with you about the whole moving thing. Yesterday we packed up a fairly large trailer to haul a load up to PA. It is amazing how much you can accumulate! But it is also freeing to get rid of the things that you don't need/want/use anymore.
Have a great time in Ohio!!
p.s. are you planning on going to ohio over any other weekend in June?
Hi Miriam,
I'm a life-long Puget Sound area resident, and I thought I'd presume to offer a few kindly suggestions for honeymoon sight-seeing, etc.
1. Snoqualmie Falls is less than an hour outside of Seattle, and you can hike down to the bottom as well, you can also go into the town of Snoqualmie and take a scenic old-fashioned train ride that lasts ~1 hour.
2. Skip Space Needle, do the Smith Tower in Pioneer Square instead. Admission is cheaper and there are far fewer crowds. View is beeter too, IMHO. Much less touristy.
3. If you are feeling extra outdoorsy, take a ferry to Vashon Island and explore beaches, lighthouse, awesome parks. Passenger ferry from downtown Seattle or vehicle ferry from W. Seattle.
4. Rent watercraft cheaply at UW campus boathouse and paddle around Lake Washington and Arboretum. Go Huskies!
5. Wild Ginger is across from Benaroya Hall and favorite with tourists, locals, everyone for a nice dinner out.
I hope that you had a great time in Ohio! I remember how much fun it was for Chad and I to be at this stage, planning our wedding and looking at honeymoon destinations. Enjoy these moments for they only happen once.
I don't know if you have State Farm insurance around there but up here they have a commercial that is advertising housing insurance. The groom states "I'm somewhere between here comes the bride and here comes all her stuff." Good luck with the sorting! We had duplicates of almost everything... the thrift shop was stocked when we were done sorting! (:
I understand about the too much stuff thing. Try moving it all to Romania!
It's taken me way too long to get back on here and respond! Luke & Michele: I'm not going to be in Ohio again until I move up there in mid July. I do hope that you are able to sell your house and move north soon yourself!
Anonymous - thanks for all thee honeymoon suggestions! I appreciate the advice from someone who lives there!
Carla, The planning has been fun! I don't think we'll have quite so many duplicates since I only have a few kitchen items. I am looking forward to getting settled!
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