Anyway, the kids (as I've always called them) came over at 6:45 this morning and I had a great time eating with them. I have awesome siblings so it's nice to hear their unblogged stories in "real time!"
Thanks guys for coming - especially to Lydia for getting up early after working so late. Lets make this a habit. See you next Tuesday, bright and early!

Oh, by the way, if my other siblings (Luke, Michele, Maria and Ron) want to come with your children (my niblings Daniele, Alex, Zach, Nate, James, Sara, and Lisa Beth), you're more than welcome! Just let me know you're coming and I'll make extra food!
We learned something else this morning - a 2 second time delay on the camera is too short (see 1st picture) and a 10 second time delay is a bit too long (second picture)!
Sounds great! What do you have for breakfast?? :)
love ya!
Thanks so much for having us over, Miriam! It was a delicious breakfast, and fun to talk together. I'll be there next Tuesday! =)
Anna, I was glad to have you all! Maybe I'll try something more interesting than just bacon and eggs next time-we'll just have to wait and see.
Michele, we'll have whatever you want - I'l be glad to take orders (as long as I get them in advance). I'm thinking that cinnamon rolls sound pretty good. Do you have a good recipe for those?
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