We finally received official word earlier this week that we did NOT in fact pass the test. So now we get to decide what changes to make and have parts made for another test. Though it's disappointing to have to re-test, it was the result we expected based on what we observed in the test.
Here's a side note on hobbies: Scrapbooking can be useful in an engineering job. I spent most of yesterday choosing the best of the 160+ pictures taken of the test and making "scrapbooking" them in Microsoft word. After seeing the documentation (or lack thereof) in other tests and looking at old pictures and having no idea what they were from we felt it important to document what we did. I also wanted to send pictures to some of the other individuals involved in the test as well as post it for our plant to see. So, if you like to scrapbook, maybe you should be an engineer! No? But seriously, it was fun to get the pictures together though by the end of the document I was absolutely ready to be done!
Sorry to hear the test didn't pass. Guess you'll get used to Chicago if you end up going back!
I do not enjoy scrapbooking, therefore I am not an engineer. hee hee! :) My mult-project children on the other hand may have their future careers figured out!
love ya,
Sorry to hear the test didn't pass. Guess you'll get used to Chicago if you end up going back!
I do not enjoy scrapbooking, therefore I am not an engineer. hee hee! :) My mult-project children on the other hand may have their future careers figured out!
love ya,
Ok engineer woman tell me why it just posted my same post twice....
Um, maybe you clicked publish twice :) Who knows, maybe Luke or Elijah could figure that one out. If I can't fix a computer by turning it off, I'm usually pretty much lost.
Actually what happened was it said I didn't type in the "word verification" correctly the first time, so I typed it in again and then it printed my comment twice.
I'm with you on the turning the computer on and off "knowledge of computers". :)
Sorry the test didn't pass... Well, maybe you'll get to see Chicago yet again! =)
Y'all are funny... Sorry, but even though I like scrapbooking, I have no desire to be an engineer. :-)
For what it's worth . . .
I am an engineer and I love scrapbooking and engineering. While scrapbooking probably hasn't directly effected my engineering, my engineering has definitely effected my scrapbooking.
I believe the "effects" in the previous post should have been "affects" :)
effect - to accomplish
affect - to influence
Ok, so Anna is the exception to the "rule" that to scrapbook=engineer...but wait, does your dad like to scrapbook?? He's got an engineering mind..hmm, our theory continues to have holes...
Dad may not like to scrapbook, but he does like people to scrapbook (so he can see the pictures), so adding him to the equation could influence this either way!
I think that's what PCC taught us about effect and affect. I googled it and found a lot of different pages trying to explain the difference. You're explanation is definitely the most concise! I would agree that being an engineer has made me a more symmetrical and more exact scrapbooker than I probably would have otherwise been. Is that how you think it has affected you? or Had an effect on you? Or however it's said!
I would say that is exactly how it has affected me. I am always measuring and double checking that everything has an exact distance between them and I rarely make things cock-eyed.
(word verifications can be long: xkikxjbx)I hope I get it right.
Wow - you're more extreme than me! I just try to make my pages symetrical to my eye, but don't yet go to the trouble of actually measuring them. Though, maybe if I had my own calipers . . . :)
I found a new way to make my pages symmetrical when I have some straight and some pictures at an angle. Just put the pictures on one page and then place the pictures for the opposite page face down on the first page with the tape on them. Then you just press the opposite page onto the first page. That may not make much sense, but it really works!
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