We had a nice siblings breakfast this morning. The cinnamon rolls turned out well and we had plenty to spare so I brought the smaller containers to my neighbors before coming to work. The rolls are perfect if need something that is quick to fix in the morning as long as you have time the night before. You can find the recipe on cooks.com
here. The fudge didn't turn out as well. It's more like really sweet fudge tasting icing. I'm not sure what I did wrong. Rob suggested using it as icing for brownies so I may give that a try. Or, maybe I'll put toothpicks in them and make them into frozen treats! Do any of you have a fudge recipe that works every time? My fudge works ok about every other time and I almost never use the same recipe twice, so if someone has a good recipe, I'd love to try it sometime.

Lydia and Elijah are headed off to college, so this will be their last sibling breakfast for a while. But, if Anna and Jubilee are willing, I'd like to keep having them, even though there are
just the three
of us!
What fun times you guys have together! Reminds me of growing up with my sisters... tear :)
I agree that cinammon rolls are a yummy breakfast food. You can also freeze them before you let them rise the second time in the pan. When you are ready to eat them simply put them in the oven the night before without turning on the oven. They thaw and rise throughout the night and are ready to cook in the morning.
Unfortunately I've not had good experiences making fudge. I agree with the using it as icing YUM
Love ya,
p.s. Danielle is giving a piano concert at our home this evening and you are all invited. :) (she made a flyer for it that says you can bring your teddy bears and dart guns and there may be food! :) )
Glad you have been doing this, Miriam.
Wish we could be at the piano recital, Michele.
Love, Grandma Victoria
Thanks for letting me know about freezing them. That makes things even easier!
Tell Danielle I would love to come to her recital, but due to the impossibility of getting there on time, could she maybe do it via web cam? Or, maybe she could have it taped using your digital camera and upload it to youtube? Unfortunately work gets in the way of making it to wonderful events such as that
We understand you all not being able to come to the concert. It was a lovely concert. Some to the highlights were: "old mac donald had a farm" and "harmonious harmonicas". Alex made her a trophy out of paper and some beautiful silk flowers afterwards.
love ya,
How can we say no to free food? =)
Thanks for continuing the sibling breakfasts, Miriam. They're a lot of fun, and the food is delicious!
Thanks for having us over Miriam! :)
I'm going to miss the Siblings Breakfast!
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