In the past when I've helped at a car wash, I have been one of those people scrubbing the cars. This time, I mostly held a car wash / truck wash sign at the road. Though standing at the road doesn't seem like real "work," it was still hot and tiring due to the sun. I was amazed to see the generosity of several people driving by who would roll down their windows and give a donation even though they didn't have time to have their car washed. I have never been that generous to those holding signs for car washes so it was a bit convicting.
After the car was was over, we had Peru drama practice for about an hour and then I was able to go home. When I arrived home, I found Anna busy at work sewing the flower girl dresses. Soon she took a break from that to work with me to cut out the pieces for my bridesmaid dresses. It was funny since I kept asking her questions about material and the patterns. The last time we sewed together many years ago, the roles had been reverse as I was teaching her to sew. Since then she has surpassed me and has learned to modify patterns and has sewn probably hundreds of items while I have let my machine sit idle.
Note the material is really plum colored not black as it appears in the pictures. After cutting out the pieces, I spent some time editing Sunday's virtual announcements while catching up with John on the phone.
Sunday after church I enjoyed our church potluck. We had a father's day back-off contest in which the dads entered deserts made by themselves or with the help of their children. It was fun to have the kids cheering for the awards given to each dad for his entry. The deserts were great! After eating, Anna and Jubilee helped me decorate my room for VBS.
We transformed the nursery into what is supposed to be a pirate's science lab. VBS is every evening this week from 6 to 8:30. We are doing the Veggie Tales "The Pirates who Don't Do Anything." This VBS is unique in that one of the activities is science experiments! That's the class that I will be co-teaching.
Many of the experiments use baking soda and vinegar and look as though they will be a lot of fun for the kids. It will be a very busy week, but I am looking forward to it! I actually only will be at church two more Sundays before I go to Peru and then Ohio so it's great to be spending extra time with my church family this week.
Hi Miriam,
Former lurker here - I just wanted to add some honeymoon destination ideas for you. If you're up for a bit of a drive, check out Mt. Rainier. I have fond childhood memories of walking on the trails near the lodge.
Mt. Saint Helens is an even longer drive from Seattle but so amazing! I try to go there every time I'm in the Pacific Northwest and seeing how the land is recovering from the 1980 eruption is fascinating.
Also, when I was five, I was convinced the greatest store in the world was Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe in Seattle. I'm not sure whether that would still be true 25 years later, though.
Thanks for the pictures and update! :)
I talked to my boss at SUbway today and he said he would probably just give me the whole day off( I had mentioned even just taking a few hrs off), so I think I will be there Sat! LOoking forward to it. HOpe your week goes well....girl, you stay so busy, you amaze me!!!!
I was reading your post and you mentioned that your material looked different in the photos than in person. This reminded me of a couple of things I learned while planning my wedding. 1) Have your photographer take photos of you at your location prior to the wedding, but at the same time of day, so you have a good idea of what the lighting is going to be like. If you're going to wear make-up, wear it the way you plan to during these practice photos so you can make changes if needed. We did this and I'm SO glad we did! 2) Make sure that you video-tape the ceremony. We had a professional photographer but my MOH's Fiance took the video with my HandyCam and tripod. It turned out great and we loved watching it together. The smaller details sliped by us during the ceremony because we were so emotional. Watching the video was the first thing we did once we got back from our honeymoon, it was such a special moment!
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