Today was a great day! Great is just not descriptive enough. I was smiling just now driving back from church. I can't explain all the resons now, but it was good in many ways. We were able to hear from many people in the morning service how God was a work in their two weeks in Peru. We heard how he answered specific prayers that were prayed and fresh realizations many had of what's truly important in this life.
I was able to eat lunch with my family then spent an hour or so reading Hudson Taylor and Maria (I found some more interesting quotes that I hope to type in here sometime). I uploaded the video I put together before church this morning to both youtube and godtube. I've been wanting to start puting church videos online for some time and am glad to have finally done uploaded the first one. Hopefully, I'll be able to upload some more Peru videos in the near future.
While in the middle of uploading the video, twelve-year-old Toy from across the street came over to ask if I would play capture the flag with them. I thought, why not - I've been sitting around all day. We ended up playing kick-ball instead and after an hour were so hot and sweaty that we had to stop. After a stop at McDonalds for a McFlurry with my neighbors family and another neat new family from church, we went to the night service. After the service, I was able to talk with some people that I've been meaning to speak with for some time. I had an idea and found that what I decided to do while not knowing if it was a good idea or a God idea was a direct answer to someone's prayer. That was fun! I guess God can use each of his clay pots in the most unusual ways - PTL!
Indeed! Today was great! :)
I enjoyed seeing you at church.
I enjoyed the McFlurry you recommended. :)
I too really enjoyed hearing what God has done in Peru. It's so cool to have prayed for people the trip and hear the answers to those prayers!
Thanks for posting the videos! I've subscribed so I'll get notified when you post more. :)
God is so good!
See you for breakfast soonish! ;)
Your brother,
Glad you're enjoying your church. We've felt so welcome and part of the "Fountain of Grace" Body whenever we've visited. It is nice to go to a church where the Word of God is taught without excuse. That is what we like about our church as well. Too many churches today don't teach from the Bible but instead make the emphasis on other things.
Are you going on a missions trip this fall? For some reason I thought you had mentioned that you were interested in going on one.
love ya,
I'm glad you liked the McFlurry - they were made for hot summer days!
I think I'm going on a missions trip to Nepal sometime maybe in January or February. I was thinking December, but found out recently that might not be the best time. The missionaries I would go to visit (with Ivory and her husband) are going to be here in the middle of August so we'll talk about details then.
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