Two weeks from today and we'll be camping! If you are camping with our group, you will probably be playing a lot of games. One of our group favorites is volleyball. Volleyball is a game that works well for a group that may keep changing as the game continues. Often we have a huge age range playing together. Usually there are a few children still learning to serve or to hit the ball. There is friendly competition as well as mercy for those who are still beginners.
We played night volleyball last time with a very hard battery lit up ball. Today, I found another
cool volleyball that we will get to try out. It's lit by 4 glow sticks! So we won't have to mess with batteries. So, be ready for volleyball both day and night!
Groups of children always seem to have a game of Red Rover or tag in process. It's amazing that with all the games that are played, arguments or poor sportsmanship are very rare. It seems that everyone is just glad to be there having fun with one another.

Of course you can't run all day long. So, before too much time goes by, the cards come out. We play everything from Dutch Blitz to Phase 10 to spoons. We love to learn new games when camping and always have a great time teaching games to others. When you play games as a family, you get a little too used to each others strategy. Camping brings new people and new ideas to the games (not to mention new surroundings)!
This weekend I'm going to be at a Ladies Retreat with my church. So, the time is going to fly by and pretty soon the weeks will have passed, and we'll be camping once again!
That ball looks cool:) Maybe in the Spring we can join you all camping...we're going camping with the Cub Scouts Oct 20th.
We too are doing the "camping countdown". Yay...can't wait! Our whole family looks forward to getting together at these biennial campouts.
The only thing I don't like about the weekend is breaking camp. But we don't have to think about that until we have to, do we?!
Had a great weekend with you at the Ladies Retreat, Miriam! Can't wait to camp,and play lots of games. And you're right about learning new(rules)games. So whose "house rules" do we play by anyway??? Pace or Lofgren or ???? Lofgren rules aren't ALWAYS right, are they?? ;-)They're just more "AFRICAN". Can't wait to spend many of the next few week(ends) with you, Miriam. Trisha Pace
Your camping collage is awesome. It's neat to see all the groups of people playing games and having so much fun.
Maria, It would be fun to have you all camp with us too! I'm sure the kids would love it.
Mrs. Hart, I think that doing these camping posts has made me look forward to this camping trip even more than usual- you're right, it's too soon to think about packing up. We've got about 14 families who've said they're coming this year so it sounds like it may be one of our biggest groups yet!
Trisha, I certainly enjoyed the retreat as well! I think that camping rules have to be Lofgren rules since we did hand out most of the invitations!!! But, maybe it's time to let someone else be right for a change!
Ivory, It sure is fun to see the pictures from past years. Have you done any camping this fall?
We have not been camping yet this fall. The Sunday school class above us usually has either a fall or spring camping trip, but the lady who usually organizes it had a baby recently so I'm not sure if we are having one this year. The last time we went camping was last fall. Chris and I packed up all our gear and went to Robber's Cave for the weekend.
None of my siblings enjoy camping so we don't go as often as I would like because camping is definitely more fun with a group of people.
How sad that your siblings don't like camping! I wish you and Chris were close enough to go camping with us. I suppose 14 hours is a bit too long of a drive for a weekend of camping. Gemma is planning on coming up again this time. She usually makes it to about every other or every third camping trip.
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