This week feels like it has gone by very quickly. I haven't posted anything since starting my job, and I haven't even posted camping pictures yet! John took some really great pictures, especially of the ultimate Frisbee games. I hope to post them sometime this weekend.

So, one week in a new job has passed. I think I'll reflect a bit on what it has been like. I've been on the "other side" of hiring many times, but barely remember what it's like to not know anyone or anything about a job. Realizing that I'm the least knowledgeable person in our engineering group about this product is a bit humbling to say the least! It takes time to get familiar with a product. The parts, terminology, typical values and more are things that I am used to knowing and now get to learn about in a new field.
My position is design engineer and will soon involve drawing using AutoCAD and SolidWorks. So far, I have not drawn at all since my computer and software have not yet come in. Thankfully I have been able to use a friendly coworker's laptop for some basic office functions.
Thus far I've been slightly useful in back checking work that has already been done. Often it takes a second set of eyes to make certain that changes have been correctly made. Checking seems like it should be an easy job, but it's somewhat of a battle to say make oneself concentrate on checking every dimension on a print to make sure the millimeter dimension (including tolerances) is within the inch tolerances.
That project took about a day, but I was very glad to do it! I definitely enjoy feeling useful by doing achievable and visible work. I'm realizing how hard it is for new folks to know when to ask for more work or to know if they're doing things right. I guess I'm gaining more empathy for new employees now that I am one again! I have spent some time looking at the product and meeting a lot of people. Eventually I will get to know more of the names and faces. I'm not great with remembering either which makes this a bit difficult. But all that will come.
I guess starting a new job makes me very thankful for the time I had at my last one. Learning not just about a product or area of engineering, but learning about people's lives is also a part of a new job. I tend to focus to a huge degree on work which is good though I want to strive to be a friend to my coworkers too.

I am very thankful to be working again and feel that I will enjoy this position and company. I do enjoy challenges and think I will experience some interesting and challenging work here. I have also been enjoying my 45 minute drive. The only time it's annoying is due to having to try leave early (7 am) in order to be there by 8 am. I've been spoiled by getting used to sleeping until 7 or so for the last few months and now I get up at 6am. Of course that's really a minor thing. I'm enjoying getting back to routine - I've even finding time to read my Bible and other books for a few minutes each morning while getting ready for work.

I have definitely been enjoying listening to CDs on my new CD player. I've listened to almost all of Dave Ramsey's lectures this week! It's almost too much too fast even though I've enjoyed it. It's gotten ingrained into my head this week (not that it's ever too far away as I'm a "nerd" when it comes to money) . The other day, when John left me a message saying he decided to eat out with the guys for lunch and spend about $5.00, I immediately calculated that if he saved $25 a month for the next 30 years, we would have over $25,000 (based on 6% interest with a contribution of $9,000). Needless to say, John wasn't exactly thrilled with my calculation when I brought it up :) I guess there are better things to talk about over dinner! It's not that one should never spend money, but I guess my Dave Ramsey infusion is possibly a little too much too fast!
Well, check back more this weekend. I intend to post a bit more as time permits!
Are you laying on the floor because your back hurts?
I hope it's better and hope you like your new job!
Your oldest sis,
I do like my new job and I'm sure I'll like it better once I get into it (and have solidworks!). I think I was laying on the floor because my back hurt. That picture was actually from a few weeks ago.
Love ya!
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