John and I had a great Thanksgiving meal and day with our good friends here in Ohio. The long weekend did not quite turn out as we had initially planned. John's family had planned to come stay with us, but were unable to do so because of sickness (thankfully his parents are doing well now). We definitely missed being with our families this thanksgiving, but were so thankful to share the day with our friends.
"John - another picture?"
Our friend Scott's classic grin :)

Busy cooking (not everything turned out - gravy doesn't work too well if you double the milk!).
It's almost time to eat! Rhonda did an amazing job on all the entire dinner!
We had smoked turkey. It was delicious!
After dinner, we enjoyed playing corn hole outside and then played a couple games inside and watched football. Rather, I napped and pretended to be interested in the game while the guys bemoaned the fact that their team lost :)
Hey Miriam,
Keep the updates coming...I check up on yall every other day or so. So glad you had a good Thanksgiving. We had an awesome one with all our family together one last time before the boys leave next Sunday for Iraq. Keep us all in your prayers. This is our last week together and its beginning to wear on me. Love you so much! Natalie
You should have called us! You could have come up to Erie for Thanksgiving! Of course, my family got sick the day after but maybe you wouldn't have gotten it! :)
Hey, Dad said you're coming to AL Dec 27th? Is that the right date? We'll plan to come when you do.
I enjoyed looking at the wedding album you gave mom. I hate one of the photos of me but I guess it's too late now, eh?:) Did you figure out how to zoom in on each photo? It's a nice feature.
You did a great job, I know just picking which photos to use takes forever.
Your sister,
Natalie - It's great to hear from you! I'm glad that you had a good Thanksgiving with Stephen. Trust in God and rejoice in the time that you have together. I know you've been thinking that this time would come for a long time. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Michele - you were mentioned quite a lot over Thanksgiving as John and I discussed various options. But, as we already made plans here and didn't want to miss out on those times, we decided to stay. This was a good weekend. We also had to finish cleaning out our old apartment and were able to go to Cleveland to see the symphony. Also Chris and Ivory surprised us by stopping by on Saturday. So, overall it was a really good weekend!
Maria - We actually are planning to get to Alabama on Monday Dec 29th. We'll stay at John's parents for a few days and then come down to Alabama. We look forward to seeing you then! I don't know which one was a bad picture - I think they were great! I did figure out how to zoom, but maybe would have done it more if I realized how small some of the pictures would look once printed. My monitor made them look nice a large :)
How many days will you stay? Mon 29th through what?
It's hard to tell, hope you were not too disappointed with the photo size. It was a great book anyways:)
I rarely like photos of myself anyways.
I am glad you had a good Thanksgiving.
See you in Dec.
We may leave early on Saturday the 3rd, but are not sure right now.
I am very happy with the book. A few of the pictures seemed too small, but most were perfect - of course they were all smaller than my computer screen :) I'm so glad that you made the book of us dating so I got that idea!
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