I recently added Deatsville weather to my home page. It was interesting to note this morning that the temperatures here in Ohio and down in Alabama were almost exactly the same at 34º +/- 1º.
The funny thing was that my temperature is only going up by 1º while Alabama will gain more than 20º. Welcome to Ohio!
One thing I haven't yet gotten used to is seeing snow in the forecast as normal. We have gotten snow already here - so far not more than an inch or so, but it has been bad driving weather a couple times.
The day to day cold hasn't gotten to me yet. I guess when one is indoors all the time, the outside temperature (at these highs) doesn't make a huge difference. We'll see how bad it gets in a month or two.
We've been spending our evenings unpacking/arranging and preparing our house for guests. We have friends coming for dinner on Friday and John's family coming for Thanksgiving next week. It's going to be fun to be the one hosting. I tend to think in lists of things that need to be done. Poor John, he got to hear my list of chores for the evening before he was fully awake! But we will work through the necessities tonight. If everything is not perfectly clean, I'm sure we will still have fun.
Good to read an update! I'm glad you are settling in and that you can have friends over. The temperature difference is interesting. I guess eventually OH weather will seem "normal" after a while.
Brr!! Glad you're staying warm inside up there! I've noticed the cold more this semester because I've had to walk in it between anywhere I want to go, classes, meals, etc. I've found that wearing a scarf outside really helps to keep the cold off!
My friend from Michigan said that even though the temperatures are higher here, it almost seems colder because of the chill of the humidity. The glories of the humid south, I suppose...
I am a relatively new transplant to Alabama from northern climes, and I am still surprised by how much the nighttime and daytime temperatures vary here!
Hey Miriam!
How are you doing? Well most of the time people want to be helped at my store. But we are a small independent store so we advertise "Customer Service" pretty hard. However, I am just like you; I know what I want and I really never need help. I have noticed that in large stores its easier for people to look around, making it impossible for one to help when there is so much to look at. However, at my store the only goal one has is work boots. Its just the decision making process for some that becomes an interesting task. I am sorry about the nasty weather. We have really cold temps but no snow yet. However, there are rumors.
There is about two feet of snow here in Erie... :) Welcome to the North!
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