I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps. Jeremiah 10:23 You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19b-20
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Christmas is almost here!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Fun Snow
I'm home early as we're soon leaving for Illinois. Both Lisa and Anita (John's sisters) are graduating on Saturday so we're using that as an excuse to visit. I'm looking forward to the trip! The snow seems somewhat localized. I think it will stop once we get past Cincinnati. We shall see. . .
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Unexpected Guests!
The Saturday after Thanksgiving, I received a most welcome call from my friend Ivory letting me know that they were driving through this area later that day! What wonderful news! We had before us a lazy Saturday without much planned so we were very glad to hear they would come for the night!
As I did a little cooking that afternoon, John put together our new ping pong table so we could break it in with Chris and Ivory.
The table fit perfectly in our basement and we enjoyed some friendly competition!Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thanksgiving in Ohio
Our friend Scott's classic grin :)
It's almost time to eat! Rhonda did an amazing job on all the entire dinner!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I thought this video was well worth watching! Each homeschool stereotype was taken to it's extreme :) As a homeschooler myself, I find this to be fun - enjoy!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Weekend Guests
From 2008-11-Weekend Guests |
Since we are now in a larger apartment, we decided that it was past time for us to invite some people over. So, this past Friday we had a houseful of guests!
We invited a great family with 8 kids over. They were very gracious and played with the few toys we had.
I think they considered our piano to be the very best toy!
Of course John enjoyed taking pictures.
We played the name game which was a big hit!
Overall the evening was a success. We successfully made enough food and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
As the house was already clean, we had some other church friends over for a Sunday lunch of spaghetti.
Dan and Barb have a cute little baby girl whom we all enjoyed holding.
After lunch we had time to talk a while. It was so nice to spend time with our friends in our new apartment!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
When the Lows are the Highs

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Moving Pictures
From 2008-11-moving |
As I mentioned in my last moving post, we loaded the trailer in the rain.
From 2008-11-moving |
From 2008-11-moving |
The guys were cheerful - and thought it funny that I kept taking pictures!
From 2008-11-moving |
From 2008-11-moving |
From 2008-11-moving |
From 2008-11-moving |
From 2008-11-moving |
From 2008-11-moving |
From 2008-11-moving |
From 2008-11-moving |
The fun soon begin again as we unloaded.
Our bedrooms are upstairs.
We have a great carport and can fit both of the cars underneath (which has been awesome as it has snowed the last two nights).
Our first (and only) injury.
Moving is easy :) It actually is not hard when you have this much help!
Scot demonstrates his funny face while filling the tires.
Amos tries to make Scott's face!
After all that hard work - the guys enjoyed some much deserved refreshments.
Later, I'll be posting a few pictures of us organizing as well as some "finished" or "current state" pictures.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Moving Weekend!
The unloading went very fast - within another hour, everything had been unloaded and located in the correct rooms!
The second stage would soon begin. They guys left and Scott's wife and daughter (Rhonda and Taylin) soon arrived to begin the unpacking and organizing phase. I would never have thought it possible, but in 3 hours the kitchen and living room had been unpacked and after another couple hours, the upstairs was done as well! I thought unpacking would take me at least a week. What a blessing to have their amazing help! We were exhausted by the days end, but were totally settled and comfortable in our new place.
I have a lot of pictures to add to this post, so check back tonight or tomorrow for the picture version! We have a few things to buy tonight - hopefully a shelf for the kitchen and some curtains for the other rooms. Eventualy we'll start hanging pictures and unpacking the last couple random item boxes. We have a little ways to go, but already feel at home here in our new place!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
We have the keys!
This evening we will be able to start bringing things over to our new place. It's a joy to be this close to moving - of course I'm sure the greater joy will be to have finished moving and unpacking!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
After seeing Joyce can pear-pie in a jar last week, she mentioned that I could make the same thing and freeze it as I don't have canning equipment. On Sunday, she had a full bucket of pears for me to take which I took while wondering how a person could eat that much pie.
During church, I thought about making pear sauce. It couldn't be too hard could it? I found some recipe's online and begin that afternoon.
3 T Lemon juice
Mix it up to whatever your desired consistency is - I left in a few lumps.
The pearsauce was good! If I were doing it again, I might put in about half as much sugar as it was very sweet. I didn't can it, but I did freeze one container for later and gave one away. Now I know two things that we could have been doing all those years with the pears from that tree!