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HITZ and Mrs a brand new blog that one of my best friends began today! If you read comments on this site, you'll recognize Ivory's name. She's been talking about starting a blog for a while, but was having trouble thinking up a name. After talking with Ivory on Saturday, I sent her some blog name ideas I had thought up and today she started the blog! I'm so looking forward to being able to read her posts in the time to come!
I met Ivory in our very first engineering class (from what I remember). . . . [Pauses to rummage through old journals in order to better share how we met] . . . .
Thursday September 10th, 1998: "I made it through my first day of classes. I only have two on Thursdays so it's not a big accomplishment. There is one other girl in my engineering orientation class! I was anxious because I thought I'd be the only one. I should have remembered Phil 4:6-7 . . . ."Friday September 11th: ". . I know I shouldn't worry. I'm praying that God will give me some good friend because on a campus of 4200 there's got to be a good friend for me. But if there isn't, I'm willing to accept that too"
Saturday September 25th: "College has been going well. I've met a couple really nice girls. Last night I bought Dutch Blitz and Tamra and Ivory and I played for about an hour. . . "Thursday October 15th: ". . . A couple days ago I had joy. I was so happy! Now, I feel down in the dumps. I know there are highs and lows in everyone's life, but we are supposed to rejoice - always. I don't know how to. I feel so alone here. Everyone I see always is with a best friend. I need to get close to God. But you can't sit at a lunch table with God and have a good conversation, or can you?"
Friday October 16th: "It's funny how quickly emotions change when I spend time with a friend. after band today I went to Ivory's room and we had supper together. After supper we sat outside for a while and then went to the library. There are some really good videos there. We decided that we should go and watch one sometime" Saturday November 16th: "Thank you Lord for my wonderful friends here at college. God has met my needs and desires (Ps 37:4) more than I could have even imagined. . ."
Sunday January 24, 1999: "I arrived here around 2pm. Now that I'm back at college, it seems like I never left. This afternoon I talked, went to church and ate with Tamra, Ivory and Gema. I really enjoyed spending time with them. . ."Monday January 25th: ". . . I'll be taking all of my classes except Old Testament with Ivory. . ."
And so our friendship begin. We met as you read in my journal
excerpts in our very first class. Ivory probably didn't realize how happy I was to see her in that class (or maybe she felt the same way?)! By the second semester, we were pretty much inseparable. From that point on, we were in almost every class together and spent quality time studying and doing homework in each others rooms. Some thought we must be sisters since we spent so much time together. The pictures are a sample of the many fun times we shared from throughout our four years. Our friendship was one of the best parts of college!
Welcome to the blog world Ivory!
Thanks for the wonderful right up. Yes, I was just as excited to see you as you were seeing me that first day. I had heard many rumors that there weren't any other girls in the engineering program so I was really worried about being the only girl.
God is so gracious in knowing exactly what we can handle each moment of our lifes and He is so wonderful to provide such good friends.
You're right! God never gives us more than we can handle. It's great to be able to see how he took care of us through college. That reinforces to me that he cares for and answers prayers today!
Thanks for sharing the journal entries and pictures!
Friends are indeed great! :)
Welcome to the blogging work Ivory. :)
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