Theme: The gospel must be shared
Bible Verses: Neither do people light a lamp and put it under the bowl. Instead they put it on the stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house (Matt 5:15)

Lesson: Light illustrates our new life in Christ which we must share with others. Good deeds come from a Christ-centered life. We are to let others see our good deeds so they can praise God.

Just like the candle could not burn when under a bowl, the Christian life is not designed to be sealed up and kept a secret. The good news is meant to be shared with others.

This is a fun experiment to do since the kids can do most of it themselves (except lighting the candle)! Note that it was crazy hair night at AWANA last night. We don't always look so wild! I always get the candles at the Dollar Tree (4/$1) and let each child have one to take home. That way they can maybe show their siblings the experiment too!
The expressions on the kids’ faces as they watch the experiment are priceless. It’s neat how you can take ordinary objects and develop a simple demonstration to teach different aspects about God. It has been fun to read about the different experiments, but the pictures of the kids are truly priceless.
They certainly are precious kids! Their interest in the experiments makes this age group so much fun to teach. Somehow kids seem to often loose their love of learning and fun as they grow (as do us adults). I want to have that enthusiasm!
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