After visiting the lower falls, we continued our hike up the mountain. It was perfect weather for a day hike.

Soon we came to another great viewing area for some higher falls. I've always loved hiking and waterfalls and we both enjoyed the views.
I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps. Jeremiah 10:23 You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19b-20
Nice pictures. Just wondered how you got John up the tree. He looks pretty good in jeans.
Wow, beautiful place. Thanks for posting the pictures!
Nifty, Lisa and I posted 1 minute apart! In my timezone it's only 1:17am though. ;)
I guess it keeps eastern time for the comments. You both were up late! I decided to take comment moderation off for the time being so you'll get to see comments immediately.
John got up in the tree on his own without help! When he saw me up there he wanted to do the same. Getting down was a bit more difficult, but he made it :)
John wore jeans just about the entire honeymoon - and I think he liked them too! He agreed that jeans are a good thing to wear when out in nature. I don't think he'll ever be as casual as me. For example I didn't wear a suit to yesterday's interview - He would never think of dressing down as I did. But since I didn't have a suit, I chose not to buy one just for that occasion. I'm looking forward to seeing if I get a job anyways:)
I just have to smile that you "got" him to wear jeans. I think marriage can change both in a couple and that is part of why God brings you together, so you'll become something you never would have been alone.
Your sis,
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